Growth program Wittepoel


“In January 2018 our MT team started  with a growth program under the guidance of Agnes and Robin. Within our strategic alliance we faced various blockades and challenges, for which we called in the expertise of People like us. I got to know Agnes and Robin as experts in their field, who created a positive atmosphere in addition to good workshops, which made our growth program gain momentum.

Growth Program People Like Us at WittepoelThrough individual purpose scans we analyzed the team dynamics of our MT during a number of well-organized workshops. This gave us insight into our skills, but also in missing competences within our team. Based on these insights we discussed during a workshop how our ideal division of roles would look like. At the same time, during the workshops our team dynamics  were placed in the perspective of our alliance and based on various models we developed a shared vision . Our dot on the horizon,where we are now working towards. Thanks to People like us! ”

Robert van der Hart, Process manager Wittepoel

Want to stimulate collaboration between a team, MT or group of leaders? Increase joint performance? Sharpen focus on an effective strategy? Whatever the purpose, a single training or work session often has limited effect. But extensive leadership paths are often long and costly. We offer short, pragmatic growth programmes that focus on personal and business results.